A Moment with Mark


This is Mark, Worklab’s owner.

We recently asked Mark to write a short blurb for our newsletter. Two to three sentences, it could be on anything he wished to share or talk about. We were expecting a favorite quote or quick piece of advice. What we did not expect was this. A genuine, relatable, and insightful reflection.

Traversing the difficult terrain this past year and a half (and present 🥴), while owning multiple businesses, has left Mark with a lot on his mind. A lot to share. A lot to reflect on. A lot of insightful advice.

Read on, and leave your reaction, your strategies or advice, in the comments below.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how companies and people are going to be working in the future. What is going to happen to offices? What is going to happen to commercial real estate companies? How are companies changing? I ask everyone I meet, how they are working now and what their hybrid work strategy is.

Literally, everyone I ask has a different answer.

Some people have dedicated days they have to go into the office.

Some people are permitted to work from anywhere, with a set schedule approved by management.

Some people go into the office every day, but have flexible hours, allowing them to choose what time frame best suits their unique life.

Other people are working from home at all hours of the week – early mornings, evenings, late at night, on the weekends.

It's not just the employees navigating this new landscape, it's business owners too. Owners I've spoken with are trying to be decisive, as they lead employees through their new workplace strategy, but it’s hard to be clear for employees right now. We are hearing corporate, “back to the office dates”, are being pushed back again – from Labor Day to the New Year.

Doesn’t this sound like last year? I wonder if those corporations will ever truly get to a ‘return to work’ date? I wonder if it will inevitably blend into another version of a ‘hybrid work model’ like the rest of us are stuck in. Stuck has a negative connotation, however, a hybrid work model isn't so bad. I believe it helps maintain a more balanced workforce. I think if you manage it correctly, a hybrid work model can reinvigorate your employees. By trusting and empowering your people to do their best work when and where they do their best work, you inevitably boost morale.

As I think about the future, I wonder where this is all leading to... All these different versions and strategies of when and where to work…..are they going anywhere? Will we need offices in the future? If so, what purpose do they serve? Can people move past not seeing their employees in the office? What does a workday look like now? Are there "working hours" anymore? Do we need official working hours?

So many things are changing so quickly. A lot of people are concerned and our good friend fear is creeping into a lot of business owners' minds. I, however, am excited, and anxious, to see where all this is going. I think this shift in workplace strategies will bring a lot of good to workplaces, people, and businesses.

People will find new ways of doing things. People will get together in person when they need to. People will seek out human connection when and where they want it. Let your people figure it out. Empower your people to make the best decisions for themselves. Allow this to happen organically and see where it goes. It could mean big things for your company.

My other advice is to stay flexible and nimble. Trust your good employees and let them figure it out with their teams. Take this time to cut some expenses, and maybe shrink your workplace footprint. Consider changing your existing footprint to something more exciting and social. Make the workplace fun. Design and create settings your employees will love to come in and use. Go look at new hotel lobbies and steal some ideas.

Or better yet, email me if you want some ideas on where to start. We can help you. If anything, I’m here to listen and share the stories of others. Sometimes hearing about what others are going through helps you realize that you are going through the same thing as everyone else.



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