Member Spotlight - Keegan Aguilera

Meet one of Worklab’s private office members,

Keegan Aguilera!

Beacon Hill Technologies has been with Worklab for almost 9 months now - joining in November of 2020, making Grand Rapids the company’s 37th location!

Keegan is responsible for all business operations including internal hiring, training, sales/business development, and recruiting for Beacon Hill Technologies in West Michigan; in addition to directly managing and supporting a portfolio of clients himself.

His continued focus on strategic delivery, resource planning, and customer service has spanned several industries, including financial services, healthcare, retail, technology, insurance, higher education, biotech/pharmaceutical, entertainment, and government entities. His passion to lead and develop his team, while having a heightened focus on inclusion and diversity, is a key driver on why he has dedicated his career to the ever-evolving IT staffing and service industry. Keegan was a student-athlete at Hope College and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in business management, with a minor in leadership and communication.

What does Beacon Hill Technologies do?

Beacon Hill Technologies, Beacon Hill’s technology specialty division, is a world-class technology service and human capital enterprise, comprised of distinct and specialized engagement organizations. The company partners with customers across the country to deliver the very best technology consulting services, staffing solutions, and onshore resources in the market today.

From project management and complex consulting engagements to staff augmentation, interim hires, and direct hire and executive search, Beacon Hill’s human capital technology offerings operate independently or in conjunction with one another, to execute and deliver upon all your technology human capital needs.


Spit-fire Interview

To develop a better understanding of what Keegan Aguilera and his group do, we exclusively interviewed Mr. Aguilera, including fun lighting-round, rapid-fire questions.

I believe that Worklab allows every single type of member to find a home where they’re going to consistently feel comfortable.
— Keegan Aguilera

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A Moment with Mark


What It's Really Like Being a Small Business Owner