Benefits of Meeting in Person and How to Do it Safely

Virtual meetings have never been so useful, but they have their limits. Here’s why face-to-face meetings are better:

This past year, Zoom has been a lifesaver for businesses and individuals alike; allowing decentralized teams to have the tools they need to stay connected and collaborate regardless of distance.

As essential as virtual meetings are, however, the technology isn’t without shortcomings. Meaning, attentiveness, and true connection are easily lost, as people’s faces are shrunk to small grid size blocks, that is if their camera is even on. While the technology has helped us stay productive, and in a sense, unified during the pandemic, virtual meetings have shone a light on what is so effective about in-person meetings. 

Benefits of Face-to-Face Communication 

  1. Stronger relationships

    While the majority of business interactions take place online nowadays - through email, virtual meetings, social media, etc. - there remains special importance on meeting people in person. According to a Forbes study, 84% of executives stated that they prefer in-person meetings, as they build stronger and more meaningful relationships. 

    While virtual meetings can often feel more rushed or formal, in-person settings allow for small talk which otherwise may feel inappropriate. A casual chat about sports, family, or the newest hit show can be just as vital in fostering a good business relationship as anything on the formal agenda. That is the *very important* difference between meeting and connecting. 

  2. Increased Attentiveness & Decreased Interruptions 

    Remaining engaged during virtual meetings is hard. Social media notifications, dogs barking, children running - the distractions are endless. Not to mention, the dreadful internet connectivity issues; any small lag leading to a series of choppy interruptions, and speaking over one another. In-person meetings are much more fluid. Allowing for participants to remove themselves from their distractions and pick up on social cues, subconsciously indicating when we are about to start or finish speaking. 

  3. Builds Trust

    Thanks to the thousands of spam emails sent out every day, our inboxes are something we’ve over time been conditioned to mistrust. According to a 2017 study published by the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, face-to-face communication is seen as more trustworthy than email. Seems like common sense. It’s for this reason, however, that in-person meetings are essential to establishing a base level of trust and understanding; this is especially true at the beginning of a new business relationship. Face-to-face meetings undoubtedly increase your chance of success. 

  4. Clearer Communication 

    Psychology today suggests that roughly two-thirds of communication is nonverbal. Meaning, the majority of communication is done through facial expressions, voice inflection, hand gestures, and eye contact. Video conferencing, even when participant’s videos are on, strip away the ability to pick up on all of these nonverbal cues, leading to increased miscommunication and misunderstanding. 

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How to safely resume in-person meetings

  1. Avoid busy times

    Avoiding crowded spaces is key to keeping your employees safe and healthy during COVID-19, so schedule your meeting during a time when fewer people are out. Try to avoid rush hours, lunch breaks, and consider scheduling your meeting to start 10 to 15 minutes past the hour. 

  2. Give everyone masks

    While most people are accustomed to wearing masks and bringing their own, by placing a single-use mask at each participant’s seat you are quietly communicating that the room is a “mask on” area. Additionally, the CDC recommends the use of multi-layered cloth masks while indoors, so providing employees with a second mask is just an additional level of protection. 

  3. Space our chairs

    Social distancing 101 - allow for a six-foot distance between participants, more space if able. Try to avoid having participants directly face one another. At Worklab, we socially distance and reconfigure the rooms so you don’t have to worry about it. 

  4. Open windows

    Research shows that COVID-19 spreads more easily indoors, primarily due to lack of airflow. If you are safely able to, consider opening a window or door and allow fresh air to circulate throughout the room. 

  5. Keep meetings short

    Who doesn’t love a short and efficient meeting? Shorter meetings require participants to stay on task and focused on action items. The less time inside the meeting room, the more time you and your team have to be productive - and the less chance there is of transmitting the virus. 

Where should in-person meetings take place?

While it’s possible to meet in person anywhere, some locations are clearly better than others. Hotels and restaurants, while able to accommodate teams of varying sizes, lack the amenities, flexibility, dedicated support, and guaranteed safety of a coworking space. 

Renting a dedicated space by the day is the best way to bring your team together again safely. Worklab offers a wide variety of meeting spaces around West Michigan, accommodating groups of up to 25 people (as of March 2021). With each meeting room rental, you receive a dedicated, onsite meeting host, unlimited snacks and beverages, a safe, inspiring work environment, super-fast WiFi, and high-end meeting technology and supplies - all for a reasonable, all-inclusive price. 

To get started booking your next in-person meeting: 


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