Corporate Coworking

What is Corporate Coworking? So often we hear the term “group coworking” or “group discounts” as an offering at coworking spaces. How does that differ from a corporate coworking membership? 

We’re here to spell it out for you! In this post, we’ll explain what exactly corporate coworking is, as well as highlight some of the key benefits. 


Corporate Coworking - What is it?

Don’t let the title fool ya. Corporate coworking, isn’t just for corporations. Rather, corporate coworking is a term we use to describe a company, team or division-wide coworking membership. It allows a business or team the ability to offer coworking space access to any or all of their employees. 

Corporate Coworking - How does it work?

It’s simple! 

  1. The business or team lead pays a low, flat-rate monthly fee for the corporate coworking membership. 

  2. It’s then determined who is allowed to utilize the membership. Is it anybody from the company? A specific team, division or list of individuals? With a corporate membership, there’s no limit to the number of individuals who can be added to the plan. 

  3. Once those parameters are set, everyone added to the plan will receive a welcome email with entry instructions, house rules and our current health and safety protocols. 

  4. At this point, team members may enjoy the benefits of working in an inspirational, shared workspace whenever their hearts so desire (during normal business hours). 

  5. At the end of each month, the number of visits by employees are added up. Each day an individual visits, there is a small day-pass charge, which is then added onto the company's monthly invoice. 

Benefits of Corporate Coworking 

According to the Fellowes Workplace Wellness Trend Report, an overwhelming majority (87%) of workers would like their current employer to offer healthier workplace benefits, with options ranging from wellness rooms, company fitness benefits, sit-stands, healthy lunch options and ergonomic seating. 

As an employer, that can be a daunting statistic, especially when many companies are still working from home. 

Coworking offices, such as Worklab, generally offer all of the above, if not more. Meaning, employers get the benefit of happier, healthier and more engaged employees, without the expense of a hefty office renovation. 


Adding a corporate coworking membership to employee benefits and offerings allows employees to choose a workspace which best suits their needs each and every day. With so many companies still working from home, professionals continue dealing with the distractions, isolation and lack of inspiration that comes from staring at the same four walls. Coworking allows individuals to change up their environment as little or as often as they need; it enables employees to take ownership over their workspace and work wherever they feel the most productive. 

Fostering Connections

Another benefit of adding a coworking space to your workplace strategy is the networking opportunity. Coworking communities are great spaces for forging new relationships, gaining new contacts and even acquiring new talent. 

Additionally, with many workers struggling with feelings of disconnect and/or isolation from COVID-19 restrictions, coworking allows for much-missed social interactions; lending towards a sense of community and providing a mental respite, both of which are fundamental to productivity. 


Experience the Worklab way of working.

Come try Worklab out for yourself and/or bring your team. Your first day is FREE!

Schedule your tour today or message us for additional corporate membership pricing and information.

We promise you'll leave impressed & inspired.


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